Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WFMW- Closing Chip Bags without Clips

What? You're on vacation or on a picnic and you have an open bag of chips but no clip to hold it closed!?! Never fear- you can still close them and they'll stay closed! How you ask! Well watch this and you'll see!!
Want to see more great ideas? Check out Works for me Wednesday!!


Laurie said...

THAT'S cool! I'll have to put chips on the shopping list so I cn practice :-)

Unknown said...

Great tip. I just tried it on a large packet of crisps (as we call them here) and it worked! ...not that I didn't believe that it would!!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool! I'm always sticking our chip clips on the fridge to use as magnets, so we never have any for the chips... Now I won't need them!! Thanks!

tammi said...

Wow, that's brilliant!!!! Now why couldn't I have come up with that?! Thanks for the great tip! I never have enough clips. Hmmmmm, maybe I could stand to buy a few less bags of chips.... But until then, I'll definitely be using this tip!

tootie said...

Now I just need to figure out what to do with all my chip clips... :) Thanks for the tip!

C said...


Mom2fur said...

Oh, get outta town! I'm going to try that! It's even better than the 'fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds' trick!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

That is very interesting. I'll have to give that a try. Of course, it would appear that you have to eat a significant number of chips so you have enough room at the top to do all the maneuvering. But I'm sure I can handle that. :)

Jenn said...

Very smart, my husband will get a kick out of that.

jodi said...

Way Cool!!! Thanks for sharing!

Memarie Lane said...

Very clever!

Mamacita said...

Very cool tip! We never can seem to keep up with the chip clips anyway. :)