Wednesday, January 9, 2008

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It's Works for Me Wednesday Backwards Edition! Oh yeah! oh Yeah! It's Works for Me Wednesday Backwards Edition! Oh yeah! oh Yeah!

Can you tell that I like Words for Me Wednesday Backwards Edition?? I enjoy getting all of you experts to help me out- and I enjoy reading the advice/answers that everyone gives!!

So here is my question- yes, I am an idiot! Ok, maybe not really but I feel like one because I can't figure out how to do this.


How in the world do you download a podcast to your Ipod????? There are several that I'd like to download but I have no clue how to do it!


Want to see what questions others need answered? Head on over to Rock In My Dryer and check them out!!


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I use Windows Media player and a PC (not Mac). Find the podcast you want. Right click it. Choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As".

On my computer, this automatically cues Media player to pop open. When I hook my MP3 up to the computer, I select what I want to put on it from the window and click "Sync Now".

You might need to find the instructions for your particular model. But the "save target as.." is how you get it from the net onto your computer! HTH

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

First, make sure you've downloaded iTunes onto your computer. (I'm guessing you already did this in order to transfer your music to your iPod, but if not, go ahead and download it, then hook up your iPod.) In iTunes, click on iTunes store, then look for the podcast section -- or, go to the iTunes store and do a search for the podcast you're looking for. Once you get to the podcast you want, click on subscribe and it will regularly download the podcast into your iTunes. Everytime you hook your iPod up to the computer, it will transfer new "issues" of the podcast to your iPod. Hope that helps!

Christine said...

I'm glad someone else had the answer to your question! I was wondering the same thing...

Unknown said...

I really love my podcasts.

I do what Katrina does--but another tip. If it's a daily podcast, and you only update once a week (as I sometimes do), you'll have to manually download some of them. They'll show up grayed out in the podcast section, and you'll have to hit the "Get" button.

Anthony said...

Gratefful for sharing this