Thursday, March 6, 2008

This That and the Other Stuff

I know this post is going to seem like a lot or rambling but PLEASE just stick with it!!

First of all- Spring is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than to join Katrina over at Callapidder Days for her Spring Reading Thing.

It's a great motivator to get you to do some reading. Plus you can find out about lots of other great books that others are reading! Check it out.

The Lord sure works in mysterious ways!! Yesterday on Works for Me Wednesday I asked about Bible Study ideas and reading club/group ideas. The Bible Study ideas were mostly for myself- although I am prayerfully considering leading an online Bible study if enough people are interested. But the Reading Group ideas were needed because I had been feeling a real call to see about starting a Reading Group in the church that we are now attending.

Well, yesterday while I was sitting in our Parenting Effective Kids in a Defective World Bible Study I mentioned that I used to lead a Reading Group at our previous church. One of the other ladies grabbed my arm and told me she had just been speaking to the coordinator of small groups at the church about how she really wanted to get a Reading Group of some sort going but wanted to find someone to help head it up! When I told them I'd been praying about that exact thing one of the other lady's said "Well, there's your confirmation!". WOW!!!

Then another answer. Luke was upset this afternoon because some of the kids on one of the baseball teams that he's playing on (he's a sub on this team) were being "ugly" to him at his first practice the other day- just saying he wasn't on the team so why was he even there and stuff like that- mostly it was just one kid. Well, at Bible Study yesterday I had made a commitment to start posting Bible verses on the boys bathroom mirror again (I haven't done that since we moved into this house in May)- and what was the first verse that I pulled out to use?

But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. Matthew 5:44.

It never ceases to amaze me how God can work!!

Please keep coming back- If you're thirsty or hungry I'm gonna write about how I'm been filled up! And it ain't with food or water either!!!

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