Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Book Meme

While I was cruising through blogs yesterday visiting for the Ultimate Blog Party 2 from 5 Minutes for Mom I came across Girlfriends in God! What an awesome site!

She had the Book MeMe and I thought it was neat so I thought I'd participate. She tagged anyone and everyone so here goes:

1. Pick the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. post the next 3 sentences
5. tag 5 people

I'm doing a universal tag- so Tag you're it!!

My Life Unscripted: Who's Writing Your Life?
by Tricia Goyer

Even though I don't like to admit it, always worrying about others' opinions is self-centered thinking at it's highest point. Sometimes we're so worried about how we are perceived, we don't take time to notice or care for others. Of we're always worried about us, how can we truly think about them?

Pretty good stuff huh???

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