Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Goals for Myself

Ok, I'm setting 10 new goals for myself- (Spiritual and Personal) will you help me to be accountable? Just check in on Fridays and I'll post a weekly update to let you know how I've done! No fibbing I promise!!

Here are my goals:

1. Devotional time every morning- I'm trying to eat a little something before I exercise so I'm gonna exercise my heart and soul while I before I exercise my body!

2. Devotional time with the boys every morning- I have Day by Day Devotions that I'm going to try (I just ordered The One Year Book of Devotions for Boys that we'll switch to as soon as it arrives!!-she also has one for Girls)

3. Post a weekly Bible verse for the boys to memorize and one for DH and I to memorize on our bathroom mirrors.

4. Drink at least 80 oz of water a day.

5. No more than 2 glasses of sweet tea a week!

6. Swish and Swipe all 3 bathrooms daily (check out Fly Lady for details)

7. Swifer the my bathroom floors daily (I shed something terrible!)

8. Swifer the kitchen floor daily!

9. Spend some quality individual time with each of the boys at least once a week!

10. Find more ways to show DH how thankful I am for all he does for me and our family-Got the idea from De'Etta's website!!

Thanks in advance for the accountability!!!!


Unknown said...

I shed a LOT too!!

These are really awesome goals.

Anonymous said...

I like your goals. I could use those too...except keeping up with the floors and toilets every day. That's too much like punishment for me! HA!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

These are really great goals, Beth. I'm really goal-motivated and I know once I put my goals in writing (and share them with others), it usually lights a fire under me and I'm surprised at how much I'm able to get done. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

Michele said...

Hey! I have been reading your blog for a while! Can't remember if I have commented before-pretty sad. I have 2 boys and a girl. love fly lady, and laughed when I read 2 glasses of seet tea a week. I've gained 3 ponds and I know it's from sweet tea! Trying to give up the artificial stuff! Enjoy your blog.